In this section, you will be able to upload database files to the database. Balthzar users will then be able to access these files from several different sections in the system.
File ID
Numerically unique
Description of the file. The
system will either show the files name, or the files path.
This describes the files
original path, when it was first uploaded to the system.
Files can be assigned to a category to make it
easier to find them, or make it easier to search for them. Categories are
created via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "Basic data" ->
"File categories". Here
there is more information on how that works.
Synchronize file
Tick this box if you want to synchronize files from the file archive
to Balthzar Client, or Balthzar eTouch. The idea behind
this is to check once every hour that the file exists, and has the right
version. If that is not the case, then the file/files will be downloaded to the map
SynchronizedFiles located in the Balthzar install map.