
Each messagetype and systemmessagetype in Balthzar Collector has a template which need to be followed. In this part of the documentation for Balthzar Collector you will find sub menus for each messagestype which will explain more about how they work and how to create them. Please note that this program is under constant development and therefore the documentation will change over time. Right now the list of messagetypes is for documentation version 20.0.20.

"UOT" - Update Order Texts.
"DOT" - Delete Order Texts.
"UOM" - Update Order Material.  
"DOM" - Delete Order Material.
"UDI" - Update Document Information.
"UMO" - Planned Workorder Materials.
"UTO" - Planned Workorder Tools.
"UPS" - Update Planned Subcontractor Orders.
"UPI" - Update Parts Info.
"UPO" - Update Planned Workorder.
"DDI" - Delete Planned Material.
"DTO" - Delete Planned Tools For Planned Orders.
"DPO" - Delete Planned Order.

"RSR" - Stopreason Received.
"ISR" - Inhereted Stopreason Received.
"RSQ" - Receive Scrap Quantity.
"MBL" - Machine Block Received.
"B" - Barcode Received.