
It is possible to add a gauge object to the dashboard. A gauge object can for example look as below.

A gauge object is a gauge which receives data from an SQL query and shows that data in a gauge. The data query must return a one column one row answer. 

If you are editing the dashboard and if you are the owner of the gauge you have access to a setting's window. To access this you can right click in the gauge object window. You can see the setting's you can change below.  

In "location and size" you can change the objects location and size. In "header and text" you can change the obects font, fontsize and fontcolor and if it should have a border or not. In "numbers" and "limits" you can see the setting's below:

Green range start 
The value that the green area should start at.

Green range end
The value that the green area should end at. (Between green range start and green range end a green field will be shown, se image above between 0 and 5).

Yellow range start
The value that the yellow area should start at.

Yellow range end
The value that the yellow area should end at. (Between yellow range start and yellow range end a yellow field will be shown, se image above between 7 and 13).

Red range start 
The value that the red area should start at.

Red range end
The value that the red area should end at. (Between red range start and red range end a red field will be shown, se image above between 7 and 13).

Major tick count
How many "major tick counts" that should exist in the gauge. A major tick count are the places on the gauge where the values are writen out (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 in the image above (5 major tick counts)).

Minor tick count
How many "minor tick counts" that should exist in the gauge. A minor tick count determines how many minor ticks there should be on the gauge between each major tick.  (In the image above the pointer is pointing at a minor tick).

Min. value
The min value that the gauge can show. (Any value that is lower than this will be shown as this value). 

Max. value 
The max value that the gauge can show. (Any value that is higher than this will be shown as this value).

If the button "Designguide" is pressed a new window is opened where it is possible to make some graphical adjustments to the gauge. To save the settings, press the "Save layout" button.