
In "Production settings" you will find the menu for "Parts". See the pictures below for more information.

Part type
In this menu, you will select which part you want to use.

Part number
Here you can select a part number from the drop-down-menu and then click the plus sign to confirm your choice. It will then be displayed in the field next to the drop-down-menu.

Show machine view
This button will open a new form where you will find settings for parts.

Click here to show the information you have entered above in the "Production settings" menu.

Production settings
In this menu, you will see an overview of information based on your previous choices. It can be organized into groups as well.

Here you will enter a description of the property you want to create.

If you want to add the property into a group you do that here.

Here you can select in what order the new property will be.

Here you can select what unit the new property should have. For now, you have a choice between centimeters and meters.

Data source
Here you will pick what data source you want to use. The choice you make here will impact what options are available in the other menus, right now you can choose between "Input", "SQL Query" and "List".

SQL Query
If you choose "SQL Query" as a data source you must pick which one to use in this drop-down-menu.

If you choose "List" as a data source you must pick which one to use in this drop-down-menu.  

If you want to start over and clear the information from all fields you click "Clear".

Save as
If you want to save the new property you have created you click "Save as".

If you have entered any new information about your property you click "Update".

If you want to remove the new property entirely you click "Delete".

If you want to change any of the current information in the fields you click "Edit".

Part number
In this drop-down-menu you will select what part number you want to use.

In this drop-down-menu you will select what group you want the part number to belong to.

Click "Search" to confirm the choices you have made and show the information in the menu "Available".

Here you will find the properties and groups you have selected from the fields above. If you want to move these to the menu called "Selected" you simply use the arrows.

When you have decided what property and/or groups you want to use you will move them to "Selected". If you change you're mind just use the arrows to move them back to "Available".

In this list, you select what property you want to use.

Click "Search" to see the selected property in the menu called "Available".

Here you will find the properties which you have available. You use the arrows to move them to "Selected" when you have decided which one to use.

Here you will find the properties which you have selected. If you change your mind you simply use the arrows to move them back to the "Available" menu.

Default settings on parts
Here you can apply default settings on selected parts.

Here you will see a list of available parts which you can transfer to "Selected" with the arrows in the middle.

Here you will see a list of selected parts which you can transfer to "Available" with the arrows in the middle.

Apply all
Here you can confirm any changes done to this form. The parts in the "Selected" column will be affected by these changes.