Tab Stop reasons

Here are the settings for the tab "Stop reasons".


Use stop reasons
Tick this box to activate the use of stop reasons.  

Trigger value
Here you can enter a value that will trigger the system to use stop reasons.

Confirm value
Here you can enter a value that will trigger the system to confirm the use of stop reasons.

Use interval
This option will control whether or not you will be able to use an interval rather than a trigger value. If an interval is used the stop reason will be coded every time the process value is changed to a value between the upper or the lower limits.

Upper limit
Here you enter the upper limit for when interval should be used.

Lower limit
Here you enter the lower limit for when interval should be used.

Stop code from process value
Tick this box if you wish to have the stop code based on a process value. This option will open up the menu for "Stop code link" but at the same time you will not be able to enter a stop code manually in the menu "Stop code".

Stop code
Here you can enter a stop code manually if you have not ticked the box mentioned above.

Stop code link
If you tick the box for "Stop code from process value" this option will be available and in this drop-down menu you can choose a stop code link.

Here you can enter a prefix, if this is used you can see this in front of the stop code and/or the stop code link.

Continuous verification
If this checkbox is activated the stop code will be resent. The reason for that is to make sure that the stop code with the process value does not differentiate from the stop code used on the machine. The idea here is to make sure that it is not possible to code a stop manually by mistake on the machine. Because with this checkbox, the two stop codes are forced to be the same.