Tab Conditions

Here are the settings for the tab "Conditions".


Enable logging
This tick box determines if the value should be logged at all. As standard this is not activated.

Logging method
In this drop down-menu you can choose between different logging methods. For now there is support for "Wide" and "Narrow". This determines the number of values per row.

Logging interval
Here you can set if the process value should be logged on a time interval or not. The time is in seconds.

Enable log trigger
Here you can activate log trigger. If you tick this box the value will only be logged if it is between the upper and lower log trigger.

Log trigger upper
If you activate "Enable log trigger" you can enter a value for the upper trigger here.

Log trigger lower
If you activate "Enable log trigger" you can enter a value for the lower trigger here.

Log value on change
If you tick this box the process value will be logged immediately when it is changed.

Log at other value change
If you tick this box the process value will be logged if another process value is changed. You choose this process value in the drop down-menu called "Other process parameter".

Other process value parameter
In this drop down-menu you choose which process value should determine when "Log at other value change" is activated.

Log at value
Here you can manually enter the value which will log the process value in "Log at aother value change".

Enable machine log
If you tick this box it will activate logging for any process value bound to this machine, as long as that value is within the parameters set in the upper- and lower limits. If the value is not within the upper- and lower limits, then the logging process will not be activated.

If the process value is of the type called Boolean then True = 1, and False = 0.