
The idea behind the function of Heartbeat is to use it to monitor the OPC Connector, and make sure it has "contact" with one or more process values. The definition of "contact" in this case is that the OPC Connector recieved a change of the process value within a certain time frame.

To add/edit process values go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Process values" -> "Process value". Here there is more information on how that works. To add/edit signals as Heartbeats go to the tab Miscellaneous in this section. Here there is more information on that tab. In there activate the tick box called "Use as heartbeat", once that is done enter the number of seconds in the "Heartbeat interval (s)" field. This will determine how many seconds can pass before the process value must have changed.

If the process value did not change during this time the OPC Conenctor will consider the signal to be dead. If all signals that are uploaded is considered dead by the OPC Connector three things will happen.

1. If the file %installations.map%\opc_connector\heartbeat_stopped.bat exists it will run. This can be used to restart the OPC server.
2. A system message will go out to any/all users that are assigned as system admins by the Balthzar ERP System.
3. The OPC Connector will finish.

OBS! When the OPC Connector starts, it will ignore any/all Heartbeats during the first 15 minutes.