Machine parameters 4

Here are the settings for "Machine parameters 4". From version 22.8.0 the fields for Machine Eff green/yellow limit, Speed deviation green/yellow limit, Quality green/yellow limit, and OEE green/yellow limit can be edited with up to five decimals.

New week starts on  
Certain reports use this setting to split weeks at their respective start, to achieve correct time distribution among shifts lasting past midnight, and timespan selected.

New day occurs at
Certain reports use this time to split days at their respective start, to achieve correct time distribution among shifts lasting past midnight, and timespan selected.

Active machine
States if this machine is active, meaning it will be available in filters for reports, overviews, and such.

OPC address for cycle time
If an OPC server is used to collect cycle time you enter the OPC address here, which will be the post ID for the process value used. More documentation is found here , and via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Process value".

For this to work as intended in eTouch, the special function "84 OPC Value as cycle time" must be activated on the active machine, here you can read more about that special function. When that is done the value will be visible in eTouch as real speed.  

IO to force stop
The values in this drop-down menu represent the ports allocated on the machine box hardware, that the machine is connected to. The signal the machine receives will be interpreted as either 0 and/or 1. If it is a 0 the machine will not run, regardless of what the system says. If it is a 1 the machine will run regardless of what the system says.  

Automatic stop reason no person
Here it is possible to choose which stop reason that the machine should set if no staff is present. Only useful if "Check-in at machine" is used, 
special function 18  .

Minimum runtime
This time is given in seconds and decides the minimum time the machine has to run before a stop can be set after start-up. If 0 seconds are entered the machine can stop immediately after startup if those signals are given. The reason for this is that some processes always get one or more stops from each start-up.

Start cycle time
This information is used to decide if the machine should be considered to run or stand still depending on the current speed. If 0 is given or the field is empty, then this function is not used. 

The system takes the last incoming transaction and looks at the number of machine cycles and the number of seconds on this transaction. It then calculates seconds per cycle. For the machine to be running the calculated value has to be less than the value given in this field. If the machine is, after calculations are done, considered to be standing still the status of the machine will be set to S, the time will be stop time and the number of cycles will be set to 0.

Cycle time machine, seconds
Here you enter the number of seconds you wish to have for this cycle time on the selected machine.

Report quantity alternate unit
This checkbox will determine if reporting is done based on the multiple factors selected on the machine. In this case the multiple factors correspond to the "Cycle recalc factor"/"Cycle recalc C2" in Machine parameters 1.

For example, if the machine is producing 1500 kg plastic film, the system will count this as "1 unit". However, the company might want to see it in Balthzar as "1 roll", and then in the ERP system they use enter it as 1125 pcs plastic arcs, if the recalc factor is 0,75.

However, it is important to know that the recalc factor depends on the setup of the machine box. The entry in the machine box will specify the quantity whit which the recalc factor will be multiplied. During the configuration of the machine, it is important to remember this.

The fields for machine eff, speed deviation, quality, and OEE green/yellow limits are all connected to OEE values. It is up to each customer to decide how to define this. As a general rule green limit corresponds to approved, yellow limit gives a warning, and below that it will be red, which is not approved. This can be used in the Overview of the Client. See links below for additional help/information about OEE values.

OEE Values
Guide to create own Overviews of the Client
Delacroys support

Machine Eff Green limit
Enter a number between 1-100, decimal numbers are allowed as well. For example, if 75, or 75.5 is used then that is 75%, or 75.5%. This is used in several parts of the system like in the Client, eTouch, and the web application BZX21. It will determine which type of color the data is shown in. If it is the same, or above, as the entered value, it will be green. If it is lower than the entered value, it will be red.

Machine Eff yellow limit
Same as above but with a different color. If the entered value is reached, or above, it will be yellow. If its not, it will be red.

Speed deviation green limit
States how speed deviations are evaluated. The supplied value should be entered as a deviation from 100%. For example, if 3 is entered, it would mean that if a machine is running slower than 97% of what we have planned, it is considered to be something to monitor.

Speed deviation yellow limit
See above. The only difference here is that this indicates our lowest acceptable level. If speed drops below this threshold, we consider ourselves to have serious issues, which need immediate attention.

Quality green limit
States level of quality that is considered to be good, in precent. For example, if 99 is entered, then quality outcomes will only be represented as gre
en if 99% or more are achieved. This will be shown in the standard overview of the Client.

Quality yellow limit
States level of quality that is considered to be acceptable, in precent. For example, if 95% is entered, more than 95% quality outcome must be achieved for it to be represented as yellow, while at the same time not being higher than the Q% green limit. A quality outcome lower than what's stated as yellow limit will be represented in the overview of the Client as a red icon.

OEE green limit
This value indicates above which values that the OEE value is good. In the client overview, a selection can be shown where a box will be green if the OEE is equal to or above this value.

OEE yellow limit
This value indicates above which values that the OEE value is ok. In the client overview a selection can be shown where a box will be yellow if the OEE is equal to or above this value but lower than the OEE green limit.

Run image 1
Here you can choose from available images and it will later be shown in the Dashboard as a "Machine status image " object.

Run image 2
Same as "Run image 1".