Tab Exception

This tab is used to create/edit messages when the Internal activity gets the status of "Exception".

Create activity
In this drop-down list, you select which Internal activity to use. However, it is important to know that if no message should be created with this status the option "None" HAS TO be selected.

Quantity to create
Once an Internal activity is selected this menu will be available. Here you enter the number of messages that should be created.

Create after (min)/Enter time
Here you enter the number of minutes it should take before the Internal activity will have the status of "OK". Use the check box "Enter time" to activate this.

Here you enter the email address of the person who should be notified when changes happen. It is possible to enter more than one email address here, just use ; after each email address to separate them.

Message group
Another option to send messages to more than one person is to use messages groups. Here there is more information about how to edit/set up messages groups in the admin section.

OPC action
In this drop-down menu, you can select an OPC action. However, please note that if no OPC action should be used you HAVE TO select the option "None". Here is more information about how to edit/set up OPC actions in the admin section.  

Here you enter the title/headline for the message.

Here you enter the message itself.

Include questions with deviations?
From version 24.5.0 this checkbox is available. If it is activated, it will include all the questions from the Checklist that have a deviation in the mail. If there is any additional text based information, that will also be included.