
To activate the Material menu in eTouch go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "eTouch" -> "Define eTouch Menu". In there activate the Material menu, and it will appear in eTouchs main menu. Here there is more information about how that form works.  

When you click on the Material menu icon a new form will appear, as seen in the picture below.

The form seen above is an example of what it might look like in eTouch. It is possible to customize this form if you go to a column header like "Description", and right-click on that column header. Then a new menu will appear, and in there you choose "Column chooser" which will make the menu you can see in the bottom right corner appear. In this menu, you can add or subtract menus depending on your needs. To gain full functionality of this form you have to activate some special functions. First, you have to activate the special function "48 Material reporting" which you can read more about here. This special function will affect how the buttons "Incoming delivery", "Scrap", and "Withdrawal" works. To make this work as intended you need to use Monitor as ERP system, and activate a direct connection to Monitor via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Machines" -> "Machine Parameters 1". In there activate "ERP Connected", then select "1. Direct DB Monitor" in "ERP Connection type". Finally, enter the correct information needed for "ERP Resource, and you are good to go. You can read more about how "Machine Parameters 1" works here. As you can see in the picture above the form has several buttons, and they will be explained below.

Order return material
To activate this button you have to activate the special function "110: Order material", and you can read more about how that works here . What this special function does is that it will create a predetermined internal activity that will trigger when you press this button. This means that this button can do several different things depending on your needs. You create this internal activity via the form called "General Company Settings which you can find via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic Data" -> "General Company Settings".    

Cancel all remaining quantity
If you wish to cancel all remaining quantities on remaining orders you can do this here. To make sure this does not happen by accident this button will trigger a warning when you press it. When this appears you have to press "Yes" to confirm or "No" to abort. This warning appears because if you go through with this action it will not be possible to reverse it in eTouch.

Order material
This button also requires the special function "110 Order material " to be activated. As explained above this will create an internal activity that will trigger when you press the button. 

Show warehouse location
To activate this button you need to activate the special function "220 Show warehouse locations" which you can read more about here. For this button to work as intended a direct connection to the ERP system Monitor needs to be activated. You can see more information about how to do that above. When that is done and you press this button a new form will appear. In this new form, you have to enter data for material quantity, and batch number, the fields for the unit, and warehouse location will correspond with the information shown in the Monitor parts balance warehouse location. To confirm the data entered here click "Save", or if you wish to abort the changes you click on "Cancel".  


Incoming delivery
Here you can administer data for incoming deliveries in the form that appears when you click this button. You need to enter data for material quantity, and batch number since the fields for the unit, and warehouse location will correspond with the information shown in Monitor parts balance warehouse location.  When this is done you press "Save" to confirm, or "Cancel" to abort. If you confirm the changes a message will appear that acknowledge that, and then you will return to the main form for "Materiel".


Here you can administer data for scrap, and this is done in the new form which will appear when you press this button. You have to enter data here for material quantity, batch number, and scrap reason. In the field, for scrap reason, a list with available scrap reasons will appear. The fields for unit and warehouse location will correspond with the information shown in Monitor parts balance warehouse location.
When this is done you click on "Save", to confirm or "Cancel" to abort. As previously mentioned a message will appear if you click to confirm the changes that will acknowledge this. Then you will return to the main form for "Materiel".

Here you can administer data for withdrawals. It works similar to the previous buttons explained above. First enter data for material quantity, and batch number. The fields for the unit, and warehouse location will have data corresponding to the information shown in Monitor parts balance warehouse location. To confirm changes done here click on "Save", or if you wish to abort the changes done here click on "Cancel". When done you will return to the main form for materiel.