Machine parameters 1

Here are the settings for "Machine parameters 1".

Machine ID
The machine ID can be a combination of numbers and letters. Usually something that either describes what the machine does, and/or corresponds to the ID of the machine in the ERP system if an ERP system is used. However, there are a number of signs that can NOT be used. They are the signs that are not allowed to use when naming folders in Windows. See a list below:

 \ / : * ? " < > | #

If any of the signs above are used, then the system will issue a warning that will explain that a sign that is not allowed has been used in the machine ID, and the user will have to try again.  

If you wish to change the ID of a machine there is a specific function that does this. Via " Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Other" -> "Change Machine ID" there is a form where you can change the ID of a specific machine. Here is more information on how that works.

If you still try to change the machine ID in this form, a warning will appear, seen below. This warning will inform the user about the correct way to change the ID of the machine.  


Resource type
In this drop-down menu, it is possible to select a specific resource type for the machine. See more information in the list below.

0 - Direct time (standard value) - This is the normal choice for a machine, or a manual station used in the system. Time gathered here is considered by the system as direct time and will be able to be used for work orders.

1 - Indirect time - This resource type is only used to gather indirect time. It cannot be associated with a work order. An example of indirect time can be a department. If, for example, you wish to gather time for the tool department. 

2 - Planning - This resource type is used to fine tune work orders in a section called "Detail planning" in the web application BZX21. When this resource type is used, then at least one of the available resources for the work order must be of this type. This is also used together with resources of the type "0 Direct time".

To activate this for the web application go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Web settings". Once there activate the checkbox called "Resource planning".   

9 - Other - This option will include the remaining resource types. It can be used together with internal activities. If, for example, a compressor has to be set up together with scheduled internal activities, this is the type of resource you use.    

Description of the machine, this is used in various reports, and lists. This can be changed later if needed. If it is changed, it will not affect any other logic in the system.

Department this machine belongs to. Department is, just like "Zone" and "Category", terms used to group machines with similar properties such as placement, capacity, or some other arbitrary, user-defined feature. To add new/edit existing ones go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Department"  "Category" "Zone".

A term used to group machines, see Department above.

A term used to group machines, see Department above.

The IP address of the databox used, and which the system listens to for data traffic. (Usually, it's possible to surf to the databox to do additional configuration if need be.)

First select the machine for the calendar, second go to this drop-down menu, and select the calendar. Here is more information about how to create/edit calendars.

The geographical placement of the machine is a term used to group machines. Currently not in use, reserved for future use.

Divide cycle time with
The factor used to divide cycle time with before presented in both Client, and eTouch. This is always a numerical value and it is used to adjust the data imported from the ERP system.

Cycle time unit
The choice made here will determine the type of planned time the ERP System will deliver for the production. Two choices are available:

0: Unit time
1: Cycle time

The exact definition of the terms is up to each customer to decide. As standard it refers to the production of a detail of some kind, for example, a unit, a kilo, a roll etc. The difference between the two choices lies in how the machine will measure speed in the production. If Unit time is selected, then it will measure the speed in the production per unit. If Cycle time is selected, then it will measure the speed in the production per cycle.

There are several settings that can affect the production for unit time/cycle time, for machine/s, tool/s, part/s etc. For example: If a machine runs a work order with a specific tool that has four inserts and is supposed to produce 1 cycle per second. Then it will produce 60 cycles per minute, 3600 cycles per hour, and then 3600 * 4, in total that is 14 400 details per hour when the tools inserts is included. If any scrap is done under the production, then that will also have an impact on the number of produced cycles.    

Whatever the choice here is, it will affect what you choose in the Cycle calculate method below. If for example, Unit time is selected, then the first option of Standard cycle time should not be used. If for example, Cycle time is selected, then the options of Quantity per min/hour should not be used. 

Connected to ERP systems
If this checkbox is activated, then Balthzar will register its transactions in the selected ERP system. It is recommended that any changes made here are made with consultation to Delacroys support.  

ERP connection type
The list here will show which ERP systems that Balthzar currently supports. Any/all choices made here are made by the developers at Delacroy in consultation with the customer. If 0 = Standard is selected, it will collect data from the ERP Connect  program which has separate documentation.

0 = Data is synched from the ERP Connect program.
1 = Data is read directly from the Monitor ERP system.
2 = Data is read specifically according to Hanzas requirements.
3 = Data is read directly from the Pyramid ERP system.
4 = Data is read directly from the Jeeves ERP system.
5 = Data is read directly from the Pyramid Yellow Solution system. 
6 = Data is read directly from the Dynamics 365 system.   

ERP resource
The ID of the manufacturing group in the ERP system containing planned orders. This list is shown in the production order menu in eTouch, and in the Client. If multiple groups are used, then they should be separated with "#".

Example: 1001#3001#3501 this will show planned orders for manufacturing groups 1001, 3001, and 3501.

If this field is left empty, then the system will interpret that as if there are no manufacturing groups, and will instead look for machine ID.  
Cycle calculate method
The drop-down menu for Cycle calculate method is connected to the choice done in Cycle time unit, which is explained above. If the option Unit time is selected, then pick either quantity per minute/quantity per hour. If the option cycle time is selected, then pick standard cycle time.

1. Standard cycle time
This will calculate the time it will take for the machine to finish one cycle, and start up another cycle, in seconds.

2. Quantity per minute
This will calculate the quantity of cycles produced on the machine during the last minute.

3. Quantity per hour. 
This will calculate the quantity of cycles produced on the machine during the last hour.

Please note that the choice here will also affect the data seen in the production order menu in eTouch. Specifically, the info seen below for "Real cycle time". If this field is left blank, then no data will be visible for "Real cycle time" in eTouch.


Cycle recalc unit
This is the unit used when calculating cycles. For example, meters, pieces and so on. This is user defined and can be added via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Units" which has separate documentation. Also known in the system as cycle recalc unit 1.

Cycle recalc factor
The factor with which the machine box number will be multiplied before the system will display it as "Number of cycles" in eTouch and/or the overview of the Client. This is used if the machine production is in another type of production, then units. For example, a machine used in a production scenario of paper production could send x number of pulses per meter paper instead of units. If that is the case, then cycle recalc factor is used. Also known in the system as cycle recalc factor 1.  

Cycle recalc unit C2/C3/C4
Same as above with cycle recalc unit. This is used if the machine box sends more than one signal to the system.

Cycle recalc factor C2/C3/C4
Same as above with cycle recalc factor, this is used if the machine box sends more than one signal to the system.