
In the ERP Connect program it is possible to select an integration with an external software called "Maintmaster". To be able to send, and/or receive data from "Maintmaster" enter an address, username, and password. Once that is done there are three different options described below.  

1 Import activities.
Here it is possible to download a list with activities from Maintmaster. Each activity will be uploaded to Balthzar as an Internal activity via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Internal activities" -> "Activities". For this to work as intended a specific ID from Maintmaster is needed, this will contain the ID of the query that is asked. This ID will then be added to the activity that is created. 

Via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Machines" -> "Machine parameters 6" enter the "Maintenance ID" in the field in that form. This is done on the machine that the activity is created on.

2 Report activities.
It is possible to return the imported activities back to Maintmaster once they are done. A control is performed to see if there are any finished Internal activities that are not reported to Maintmaster. If those exist, then they will be reported. 

3. Report run time.
It is possible to report run time on the machine. For this to work as intended a unique "Maintenance ID" must be created and then entered in the field found in the form in "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Machines" -> "Machine parameters 6". Once that is done all the time from the moment the machine was activated for this will be calculated as rune time.