
In the tab for "Activities", you will create and maintain different Internal activities who in turn will control what will happen, and when to activate different activities. They can include a Checklist, but that is not mandatory. It is also possible to create an activity based on a schedule, but that is not mandatory. You can reach this tab via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Internal Activities" -> "Action" -> "Activities". A picture of the tab can be seen below. 


Here you can enter a description of the internal activity, this description will later be used as an identifier of the created Internal activity.
Here you can select a specific part number, and when that is done it will affect the created Internal activity. If the selected part number is running on the active machine the created Internal activity will run as well. If the selected part number is not running on the active machine the created Internal activity will not run either.

Same as above but for part type.

Operation number
Here you enter a numeric number for the operation.

Here you can choose if you wish to have "Duration" based on "Minutes" or "Cycles". When that choice is made you enter the number of either "Minutes" or "Cycles" in "Duration".  

Here you select if you wish to base "Duration" on either "Minutes" or "Cycles".

Pre Create (min)
Here you can enter the number of minutes for when the Internal activity should be created before it is scheduled to start. This field only affects created Internal activities which have been assigned a schedule of the type "Time".

Create later (min)
Same as the above, but here you enter the number of minutes for when the Internal activity should be created after it is scheduled to start.

Alarm period (min)
Here you enter the number of minutes that will determine when an alarm will be set off in conjunction with the execution of the created Internal activity. It is important to know that if there should be NO alarm at all you have to enter a negative number here, for example, -1.

Machine ID
Here you select a machine ID for the created Internal activity.  

Same as above but for the department.

Same as above but for the zone.

Same as above but for the category.

Same as above but for tools.

Here you can choose if the created Internal activity should have a Checklist assigned to it or not. However, if it should not have a Checklist assigned the option "No Checklist" MUST BE selected.

Here you can choose what type of the created Internal activity should consist of. This will later be used when the created Internal activity is searched for, filtered, or listed in Balthzar. To edit, and/or create new types go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Internal activities" -> "Type". Here is more information on how that works.   

Here you can determine which schedule the created Internal activity should have. It is important to know that if the created Internal activity SHOULD NOT have a schedule assigned to it you have to select the option "No Schedule".

Here you can choose if the created Internal activity should be active or not. This will in turn affect the options to schedule it and/or start it manually. If you do not activate this check box it will not be possible to schedule it and/or start it manually.

Start manually
This check box will determine whether or not it will be possible to start the created Internal activity manually.  

Authentication mode
Here it is possible to determine what type of authentication level the created Internal activity should have. Right now, there are three different options here, and they are "None", "User with verification", and "User without verification". The choice made here will determine if the created Internal activity should require an employee number to log in to run it or not.

From version 24.6.0 there is a new option here called "User with manual verification". If this option is selected, the system will always ask for the employees number, even if the employee is already checked in at the machine. The idea behind this new option is that sometimes one employee could be checked in on the machine. Then another employee has to perform the internal activity, with this option this other employee can be checked in on the machine as well. This will also affect the web application BZX21.

To see more information about users, and/or employee numbers go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Users". Here is more information on how that works.   

Input group
Here you can choose to pick an input group for the created Internal activity rather than a checklist. When you have selected the input group you have to enter the specific settings for that group. It is important to know that if the created Internal activity SHOULD NOT use an input group you have to choose the option "None".

To add new input groups, and/or edit existing ones go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Production settings" -> "Input groups". Here is more information on how that works.

Multiple order settings
In this drop-down menu there are two options, "Default", and "One activity with joined Checklist".

Unique activity
When this check box is activated, it will only be possible to have one instance of the Internal activity open per machine at a time.

Remove if checklist is empty
From version 24.6.0 and onwards this checkbox is available. If it is activated it will perform a control to see if the checklist is empty, which means that the checklist has no rows in it. If it is empty, and assigned to an active activity, then that activity will be removed automatically. The idea is that it should be used during material exchange with additional functionality found in the section for Checklists - Conditions.