Accessrights pages - client

In this form, user access to Balthzar Clients various pages/forms are controlled.
Securitylevel 9 is the highest level the system supports, meaning a user with this level will be able to access every page/form in the system.

Go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Users" to change/edit security level. Here there is more information on how that form works.

As of version 22.6.0 the form General company settings is valid for access rights in this form. Here there is more information on how this form works. This means that via access rights it is possible to control who will be able to see this form in the system.

As of version 22.2.0 there are two new options in this list.

Code stop in Client
Here you can set the level of access to code stop in Client.

Convert stop time to run time/Convert run time to stop time
Here you can set the level of access to activate/hide the tick boxes in the Client - Left side menu - Update stop reason - Adjust stop reasons. Here there is more information about how that form works.

As of version 20.0.21 there are some new options shown in the menu below.

Tool - Read
Controls minimum level of access to show administration of tools.

Tool - Write
Controls minimum level of access to edit and show adminsitration of tools.

Tool inserts - Read
Controls minimum level of access to show administration of tool inserts.

Tool inserts - Write
Controls minimum level of access to edit and show administration of tool inserts.

Saved points - Read
Controls minimum level of access to show administration of saved points.

Saved points - Write
Controls minimum level of access to edit and show administration of saved points.  



Page name
Choose a page where security should be applied.

Security level
Securitylevel required to access the page/form.

Optional comment.