Machine parameters 5

Here are the settings for "Machine parameters 5".

Enable performance deviation
Tick this box if you want to enable performance deviation. Set this up via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Performance deviation". 

Performance deviation interval (min.) 
If performance deviation is activated this will determine how much/if any deviation this has. This will determine the amount of data available during the presentation of performance deviations.  

Minimum run time to process (min.)
Here you enter the minimum run time, which will include both run time and stop time.

Performance loss %
Here you enter the limit in % that are acceptable as a performance loss during production. If 100 pcs are produced, and the goal is to reach an approval rating of 90%, then the performance loss is 10%.  

Performance gain %
Same as above, but for performance gain instead.

Manual machine without operator
if this checkbox is activated it is not required to manually login at this machine.

Machine manufacturer
Here you will enter information about the manufacturer of the machine.

Machine type
Here you will enter information about what type the machine is.

Machine size
Here you will enter information about what size the machine is.

Machine line parent
This checkbox is only used if the selected machine is part of a machine line. If it is activated the selected machine will get the status "Parent", and the other machines in the machine line will have the status "Children".  To set up a machine line go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Line". 

Machine line 
Here it possible to select a machine line. Each machine that the machine line consits of has to be added manually to the machine line.

Machine position 
This is only used if the machine line has more than one machine. If it does, use this to determine which position each machine has. This is used to separate the machines in reports, and/or the web application BZX21.

When a machine line is created there are different ways to see which machines that are included in that line. One option is to create a specific filter for it. Here is more information on how filter works.

Another option is to add "LineNo" to the columns seen in the filter in the picture below. Right-click on a column header, see 1, to open up the menu where "Column chooser" is located. Then select it, see 2, and in that new menu drag and drop the option called "LineNo", see 3, to the table of columns. Once added remember to right-click on a column header again, then select the option "Layout", then "Save Layout" to save the changes made. The changes will now be saved next time a log in/out occurs.


Correct run time at machine start
If this checkbox is activated, the machine will automatically correct its run time to compensate for any erroneous planned cycle time. This is to make sure that the planned cycle time is reasonable.  

Multiple machines on card no
Card no is a term used in the system to describe the production order. With this checkbox activated there can be multiple machines on the same production order.

Remaining pallet quantity, warning
This field is connected to a special function called 323 Show pallet in eTouch which has separate documentation. The number entered here will act as a limit in eTouch, and when it is reached a warning will be visible that will show that the production of pallets is soon complete.  

Machine configuration note
If you want to enter additional information about the machine's configuration you can do this here.