
The tab "Other" contains menu options which do not fit in the previous two tabs for "Activities", and "Output". You can find this tab via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Internal Activities" -> "Action" -> "Other". There is a picture of the tab below.

Enter extra info at manual activity
This field is optional, and as standard the option "None" is selected. However, if you activate the check box "Start manually" in the tab "Activities" you can enter additional information in that field for the Internal activity. That information will either in the form of "Text", or in the form of "Numerical".  

Block first piece
If this check box is activated the selected machine will not approve the first piece control in eTouch during production if the Internal activity with this setting is running on the selected machine.

Order bound
If you activate this check box, it means that the Internal activity will be linked to the current active order on the current active machine. However, if the current active order has finished before the Internal activity starts, then the Internal activity will be scrapped.

Here you will have a list of various rules to choose from. These rules will only affect the scheduled created Internal activities. If you wish to ignore this, choose "No rule".

1. Machine is running - Here the Internal activity will only be scheduled if the machine is running.
2. Order is active - Here the Internal activity will only be scheduled if the selected machine has an order running. 
3. Is Calendar time - Here the Internal activity will only be scheduled if it is calendar time for the selected machine.   

Special function
Here you can choose between several different special functions which will then affect the Internal activity in different ways. Use "None" to deactivate this.

Suppress warning inactive part
If this check box is activated the system will not warn the operator that the part is inactive unless the part ID matches the current active part ID used on the machine. 

Suppress warning inactive tool
If this check box is activated the system will not warn the operator that the tool is inactive unless the tool ID matches the current active tool ID used on the machine.

Block pallet flag
If you activate this check box, all functionality regarding pallet flags will be blocked when the created Internal activity is active.

Maintenance ID 
From version 24.1.0 there is a new integration in Balthzar with Maintmaster that makes it possible to receive/send data to/from Maintmaster. In this field enter a unique numerical value that will correspond to the ID entered in the  Machine parameters 6 section. There is more information in the  ERP Connect section for Maintmaster.

Show extra description instead of PDF
This checkbox will change what type of information that is shown. Either a text based information if it is activated, or if it is not activated it will be in form of a PDF.

Only one per order
This checkbox is available from version 24.6.0 and onwards. If it is activated it will limit the number of activities created on a work order to just one. This setting will take precedence over any/all other settings regarding the number of activities that can be active on a work order.