Alarm codes

Alarm codes are values that can be logged and bound to different events in Balthzar. It is in this form you create alarm codes.

It is in this form you create alarms that can be used in the tab Alarm in the section for process values via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Process values" -> "Alarm".

OBS! Please pay attention to the format of the SMS - enter the country code first. For example, a Swedish number will be +46703333333.


In this drop-down menu you select the machine the alarm code should be activated on.

Alarm code
In this field it is possible to enter a combination of numbers/letters that will become a unique ID for the alarm code. 

Here you enter a description of what the alarm code does.  

Min time between alarm
Here it is up to each customer to decide what time interval it should be between alarms.

Change process value on alarm
This checkbox must be activated if you wish to use the below fields for Process value on alarms. Proces values are created via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Process values". It is important to mention that it is up to each customer to decide how this is implemented, and what each process value actually means.

Process value on alarm
This is where you can select a specific process value to trigger the alarm.  

Value on active/non active alarm
It is up to each customer to decide values that will determine if the alarm is active, or not.

Message group
If you wish to send an email to more than one person, you have to use a message group. They can be created via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Message groups".  

Here it is possible to enter an email address. This email address will receive an email if there are any active alarms.  

Here it is possible to enter a phone number. This phone number will receive an SMS if there are any active alarms. Please note that you have to enter a country code first. If, for example, a Swedish number is used this is how you enter it: +46730974780.

Log alarm
If this checkbox is activated, then the alarm will be logged and saved. The history log for this can be found via "Client" -> "Left side menu" -> "Alarm".

Mark as scrap 
A checkbox that is used to mark the unit that generated the alarm as scrap.

Acknowledge alarms
A checkbox that confirms that alarms have occurred.

Confirm employee ID
Here you choose to either confirm (Yes) an employee ID, or not confirm it (No). Employee ID are created via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Users". 

Acknowledge OPC Values
An OPC value is a type of Process value that is created via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Process values" -> "Data Collecting" -> "OPC Settings". It is up to each customer to define what it actually means.

In Acknowledge OPC 1/2 an OPC value is selected. Then in Acknowledge OPC Value 1/2 a value is entered that will have to occur for the alarm to trigger the selected OPC values.      

In the field for Note it is possible to add additional information that describes the alarm code.