Scrap reasons

In this form you can edit/add scrap reasons. They will be used in various reports, Client, eTouch and the web application BZX21.



Scrap reason
This numerical code is used to identify the created scrap reason. If an ERP system is connected, the same code should be used there.

Here you enter a description of the scrap reason that will explain what it does. For example, erroneous machine configuration.

This can be used to add additional information about the scrap reason.

View order
States in which order the scrap reasons should be shown. When a number is assigned, it is recommended to give the view order the number that corresponds to the frequency that the scrap reason is used.

States which category this scrap reason belongs to. You can create new/edit categories via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "eTouch" -> "Scrap reason category".  Here is more information on how that form works.

ERP Scrap code
In this field it will be possible to map scrap codes from Balthzar to another ERP System if that is used. This is intended to minimize the number of scrap codes another ERP System has to deal with.
For example, if Monitor is used as another ERP System with Balthzar. Then create a scrap reason in this form, and use this field to enter a name for it in Monitor, for example Scrap code Monitor. This ERP Scrap code can then be used on multiple scrap reasons in Monitor and it will register as scrap. Instead of having to go through multiple scrap codes.  
To see information about each scrap reason go back to Balthzar.

Text to scrap
This checkbox will activate a new form in eTouch where it will be possible to add text to the scrap reason when it is activated in eTouch.

Never reduce good qty
Setting that tells the system how good quantity is handled, when this scrap reason is used.

For example, if 100 units are produced, and this checkbox is NOT activated, then the good quantity will be reduced with the corresponding scrapped quantity. If 25 units are reported for scrap, then the system will reduce the good quantity with 25 as well. However, if this checkbox IS activated, then the good quantity will not be reduced.  

The color used in various charts visualizing performed scrap reporting.

Adjust materials
If "Adjust materials" is activated Balthzar will withdraw material for scrap. Please note that the material must exist in the planning phase and that the materials unit must be the same as the unit used in scrap. This is done in eTouch, via the "Material menu". Here is more information on how that menu works. To add to that menu, go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "eTouch" -> "Define eTouch Menu". Here is more information on how that works.

Exclude from OEE
If this checkbox is activated scrap reasons with this scrap reason activated on them will not be included when the system calculates E%, and OEE%. For now, this functionality is supported in the reports Production report detailed, and the report OEE Data 2, and in the Overview section that includes E% in Client.  

Exclude from ERP Reporting
This checkbox will be visible from version 24.5.0. If "Exclude from ERP Reporting" is activated, it will check to see if any reporting done has this status. If it does it will prevent it from being reported to the connected ERP system. This control is performed regardless of the origin of the created report, for example it does not matter if it is created in the Client, or in the web application BZX21, or in eTouch.