
Via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Tool" -> "Enter tool" it is possible to either crew new tools, and/or edit existing tools. As seen below there are two tabs here, one for tools, and one for services.


To use the grid system in this form, right-click on a column header, see 1 in the picture above. In the new menu that appears click on the option "Column chooser", see 2. Once that is done a new menu will appear called "Customization", see 3. It is from this menu that you can add/remove columns to customize what is seen in the form above.


Please note that menus with a * are mandatory to use. 

Here you enter a unique ID of the tool, can be a combination of numbers and letters.

This is where you enter a description of the tool that describes what it is for.

Tool type
In this drop-down menu it is possible to select a type of tool to narrow the search possibilities. Tool types are created in a separate form via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Tools" -> "Tool type".

It is up to each customer to define what "Owner" is. It could be an operator, the entire company, or a department.

Here you enter the number of cavities the tool has.

Purchase date
Date of purchase.

Supplier of the tool.

Cost of the tool.

Serial number
The serial number of the tool.

This checkbox has to be activated if the tool is supposed to be visible in the system for eTouch, reports etc. However, it is possible to create a tool and not activate it until a later date.

Ib counter
Here you enter the number of cycles for the tool. However, this is only used if the tool is used before the system starts.  

Normally this field is empty at first. To see any information here, select a tool and then press the "Edit" button. Once that is done this field will show data for the number of cycles this tool has done.


Number of insert locations
Here it is possible to decide the number of inserts locations a tool should have. Please be aware that it is possible to change this from inserts to cavities if needed. This is done via the form called "Tool cavities" found at "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Tools" -> "Tool cavities".   


Create tool inserts
With this button inserts will automatically be created for the tool selected in the grid below. The created inserts will be assigned a unique tool ID, and a corresponding serial number that matches the quantity of inserts the created tool has. 

When the function is used, and the process for it is complete, then the system will show a message that will explain that the inserts have been created. This is connected to the menu explained above, where it is possible to select the number of inserts the tool should have.


Tool status
This field is connected to the status of a tool which is found in the grid below. The number will correspond to a description that will in turn correspond to the status found in the ERP system Monitor. This will be acknowledged by the system when a tool status is selected in the grid. The corresponding ID will be visible in the field "Tool status".

However, if the ERP system Monitor is not used, the description has to be changed to match the status found in that specific ERP system. This is done via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Company specific translation". Here you can read more about how that form works. ID for each translation is listed below.

5 = On loan - ID - 6343.
4 = Under construction - ID - 6344.
3 = Being manufactured - ID - 6345.
2 = Blocked/Denied - ID - 4098.
1 = Under calibration - ID - 4097.
0 = Approved - ID - 6347.


If any other value than those listed above = <Status missing> - ID 6348.


Optimized Cycle Time
From version 23.7.0 a new menu will appear in this form called "Optimized Cycle Time". Enter a numerical value here, the time unit used will be seconds, and it will affect what is seen in the eTouch menu "Production order". It can also be used with the special function 419: Fetch planned speed from tool in Balthzar.  


The second tab is called "Service" and contains possibilities to set up five different services. It is up to each customer to define what this is, and when it should be used.

Service interval
The cycle interval this tool needs service in.

Service counter
Counted cycles this tool has been exposed to since last service, can be reset with separate function.

Service date
The date of last service.

A description of the service.

Internal activity
In this drop-down menu it is possible to select an Internal activity, and if one is selected it will automatically start when the service starts.

Create at percent
Here you decide after how many percent of the service interval that the counter should have counted before the internal activity is started.

Reset service counter
This button resets the counter in the field "Service counter", and sets "now" as date of the last performed service.