Machine parameters 2

Here are the settings for "Machine parameters 2".

Scrap reason category
This determines which scrap reasons are visible in eTouch. If no group is selected, all scrap reasons are visible.

To edit old categories/create new ones go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "eTouch" -> "Scrap reason category". Here is more information on how this works.

Scrap code scrap management
In this drop-down menu it is possible to select a scrap code that will be used as a basis for scrap management on the active machine. If this is not supposed to be used, then select "None" in the list. When this is activated the system will count everything produced with this scrap reason as scrap.
Used in conjunction with IO scrap management.

It is also used in conjunction with "Automatic scrap %" which can be found in the tab for machine parameters 3. 

IO scrap management
Used in conjunction with the parameter above, "Scrap code scrap management". Here the IO-port of the databox is entered which tells the system that scrap management is in effect, by sending a constant high signal (1).

Limit warning scrap
In this field you enter a numerical value, and that value will represent a limit for when the system should give a warning for excessive scrap value. For example, if 2,5 is entered here, then the system will provide a warning if the scrap is higher than 2,5%. The calculation is made of the current work order for the current day.

Differentialscrap IO1-IO0
When this function is activated a check is made every 15 minutes examining the difference between cycles and counter 2. This difference, if any, will result in scrap coded as "Scrap code management".

Quantity calculation
The options here will determine how Balthzar will register quantity in the system. Either, the reporting will be done manually by the machine, the first option. Or quantity will be reported manually by the operator, the third option. However, the most common is the second option, which is a combination of option 1 + option 3.  

1. Only machine quantity.
2. Machine + man. quantity.
3. Only manual quantity.

Choice of how quantity should be calculated. Most commonplace is alternative 2, which adds machine quantity and manual quantity. Keep in mind that time per piece is always based on machine quantity, except in the case of manual machines. When manual machines are used, time per piece is calculated from manually reported quantities.

Automatic restart order
Customer adaptation.

Show warning order ready
If this check box is activated, then a warning will be visible in the Overview in the Client. To determine when this warning should go active, go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Users" -> "Remaining time (min)". Here is more information on how that form works.   

Stop reason categories
This selection is used to limit the number of stop reasons that are available on a machine. Either select "All", or one speific category. The machine will show stop reasons coded with the selected category. 
To edit old categories/create new ones go to "Client" -> "Administration" - "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Stop reason categories". Here is more information on how this works. This can be added via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Stopreason 1" as well.

Min time stop coding(s)
The minimum time that needs to pass before eTouch will remind the user about uncoded stops in eTouch.

The checklist that will be applied to this machine when internal activities are used. (Adaptation). Checklists are created via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Internal activities" -> "Checklists".

If the logbook should be used, this is the setting that activates it.

Manual machine
If the machine in question is manual, that is, has no databox connected, this parameter should be activated. The setting primarily affects how eTouch behaves, since all information registered in the system for manual machines is entered by the operator.

Enumeration tool
States whether enumeration is used on this machine. If it is not activated, cycles will not be added to the consumption tool used, even if it is configured to do so in the order.

Positive speed as green
States that speed above 100 should be shown as green. (Obviously, the faster details are produced, the better. However, if details are produced faster than a certain speed, quality might suffer, and therefore might be considered something that needs to be adjusted.)

Quality target
This setting is connected to special function 114 which is a customer specific solution.

EE target
This setting is connected to special function 114 which is a customer specific solution.

Machine box max counter
States the highest value the databox can have before starting over at 0. Should be set to 0 in databoxes from Advantech, varies on others. Please consult your supplier before this parameter is configured.
Only used if calculate quantity at max value is set.

Own cycles from C2
This is used if the machine box sends more than one signal to the system. If that is the case this checkbox can be activated and it will calculate own cycles from the second signal and Balthzar status will calculate the Own quantity (machines own_cycles_today) using C2.

MAC address
Here you enter a MAC address for the machine, usually done by the system administrator.

Count scrap as qty for C2/C3/C4
If the machine box used sends more than one signal to the system, then it possible to use any/all of these checkboxes. The system will then count scrap as quantity for C2/C3/C4. It is calculated by Balthzar Status, (my_cycles_today), based on the corresponding signal from the machine box.