Stop reason tab 2

Here you will find information about stop reasons for tab 2.

Order time
States if time during stop reason should be considered to be order time or not. If this setting is applied, the stop reason will:

- Be transferred to the ERP system, if Balthzar is linked to it. 
- Be included when the system calculates the total of used time in this order.

Setup time
If this checkbox is activated, it will change the status of the stop reason to be setup time. The stop reason will no be included in summations, reports, visualizations, and more as setup time. It is possible to further refine this with two checkboxes on tab number three. They are called "Preparatory", and "Finalizing" setup time.  

Log book
States that the log book should be used, this is an adaptation. Here is more information on how it works. 

Include in MDT
States that this stop reason should be included in the MDT report, Medium Down Time, which you will find in "Client" -> "Reports" -> "Report ordering". It was developed to be used with the Log book, but it can be used without it to.  

Include in MTBF
States that this stop reason should be included in the MTBF report, Mean Time Between Failures, which you will find in "Client" -> "Reports" -> "Report ordering". This requires that the log book is used.

Show consumption tool list
If the consumption tool module is used, (adaption), and this option is activated on the selected stop reason, then the user will be taken to a sperate form managing consumption tools.

Disable cycle count / Enable cycle count
Theese two checkboxes will determine if the system disables, and/or, enable cycle count during the currently active stop reason.

Needs to be set for this stop reason to be shown in eTouch. One reason for not setting this parameter could be that this stop reason should not be available to be chosen manually. Stop reasons without this setting can still be used by the system as automatic stop reasons.

Keep in mind that it is recommended to never delete stop reasons that have been used, since this make statistics created with it unavailable.

Count on force stop
If this parameter is set, the stop reason will be counted even if forced stop is selected. 

Set stop reason to the whole line
If this checkbox is activated the whole machine line will be affected by this stop. This includes machines designated as parent/mother, as well as machines designated as children. Go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Machines" -> "Machine parameters 5" to set up machine lines. Here is more information on how that form works.   

Performance loss
If this checkbox is activated, and the stop reason is active, a new column will appear in the Overview with the name "Performance loss". This column will have squares in it that will indicate if the stop reason has a performance loss or not, by either being empty, or full. 

Erase current stop reason at reset
This checkbox will determine what status the stop reason will have. It is often used with another checkbox called "Cancel stop reason" which is found in tab 1.

For example, this combination is used together with a stop reason called "Short stop" which has a time limit of five minutes. The system will check if the time limit has passed, or not, when the stop reason ends. If not, the stop reason will be called "Short stop" historically by the system. However, if the time limit was passed, then the system will automatically change the stop reasons name to "Uncoded stop" historically.

So, this is used to determine what status the system should give a specific stop reason.


Auto scrap code
This field determines which scrap code that is used for this scrap reason. If a code is assigned the system will automatically scrap everything produced by the assigned machine during the time this is active. This is often used during setup time. Activates if auto scrap mode is active.

The choices available are scrap reasons created in the eTouch section of the admin section.
The checkbox to activate/deactivate "Auto scrap mode" is located in Stop reason tab 1.  

Availability level
This field will determine which availability level the stop reason should have. To create new levels/edit old ones, go to "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Enter availability level description". Here is more information on how this form works.  

Pager group Message
This field will determine if the stop reason should have a special message for the entire pager group. Here is more information on how this works. 

Pager ID Message
This field will determine if the stop reason should have a special pager ID assigned to it. Here is more information on how this works.

Pager Message
This field will determine if the stop reason should have a pager message assigned to it. Sperate function for Balthzar.

Max stop time before reset
States maximum stop time in seconds before stop reason is reset, if entered by operator. If 0, (zero), is set the stop reason will never be reset, and therefore it will be in effect until another stop reason is set or the machine starts again.

An extra control was added in version 22.5.0. This means that if a machine has a stop reason with a max stop time before reset, the system will double-check to make sure that the stop reason did not exceed the max stop time. However, if the system finds that the stop reason has exceeded the max stop time a warning will be visible in the Client.

Max time before reset at automatic stop reason
This setting deletes current stop reason if set. Preferably used in conjunction with "Cancel stop reason". As an example, you can see the following scenario below:

A forced stop is defined to be valid for three minutes. The stop will then be deleted if enough time passes, and another stop reason will be set for the entire stop time, not just the time exceeding the time of the forced validity time.

Countdown (Seconds)
If you consider a stop reason duration to be normal for a certain amount of time, you can enter the number of seconds representing that time here. When this stop reason is used, time is counted backwards in advance how long this time is, or if it varies greatly, "-1" can be entered. By doing so, you are telling the system to ask the operator each time the stop reason is set on an ongoing stop.

When this is done, the system behaves as if the number of times entered by the operator was set on the stop reason for this particualar stop. If left blank, 0 - (zero), is assumed which will mean that passed stop reason time is shown as hours, minutes and seconds incrementing from zero.

This is also used with the special function 119 Warn at stop in eTouch. This is where you enter the time limit for that warning.    

External command
In this field you will enter the search path and file name to a program which will start when a stop reason is assigned.