Start and finish production orders

In this section, you will learn about the production flow and how to start orders. It is important to know that the documentation will assume that this is the standard version of eTouch. That means there will NOT be any special functions activated. They have separate documentation where you can read more about how they work, and what special functions are available. There is also separate documentation that informs you how menus are activated in eTouch. This is done via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "eTouch" -> "Define eTouch menu". There is also additional functionality for the ERP system. As of now, the following ERP systems are supported. 

Yellow Solution
Dynamics 365

An ERP system is activated via "Client" -> "Administration" -> "System settings" -> "Basic data" -> "Machines" -> "Machine parameters 1" -> "ERP Connection type". Here there is more information about how that works.

With all that said, the documentation of how to start production orders will cover the following steps: 

Start production order
Ongoing work orders are marked red - warning 
First piece control
Block first piece control with an internal activity 
Finish production order